
Newly Released! Empower Your Climate Conversations with CBC News: Climate Glossary

When delving into the topics of climate change, sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), the terminology and acronyms can feel as unfamiliar as a foreign language. To assist in deciphering the jargon associated with climate discussions, the CBC News website has introduced a comprehensive glossary. This resource is designed to facilitate a smoother understanding of the concepts and terms involved in these critical subjects.

Check out the glossary here!

6th Annual Holiday Challenge: Stay Tuned for Results in 2024!

Energy@Work’s 6th annual holiday challenge is under way! This challenge presents the opportunity to discover how much energy can be conserved over the holiday period. Operations and tenants can work together and save energy since offices typically have a much lower occupancy over the holidays, which presents the opportunity to cut waste, see help from our Energy@Work elf.

Common areas of opportunity include:

  • plug load or what is commonly called “Phantom Power”
    - this is a huge waste!

  • systems continuing to run when not needed,

  • lights, particularly accent and interior lobby lighting,

  • TV screens and monitors have off switches which are rarely used in lieu of standby mode,

  • exercise equipment “in the ready mode’ but sitting idle.

This year’s challenge will take place:
6:00 PM Friday, December 22nd, 2023
6:00 AM Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

Questions can be directed to:

We’re looking forward to seeing what savings were achieved
- stay tuned for the January 2024 “News and Views” for results! 

November’s Global Adjustment Mechanism (GAM)e Cost: $0.66 Billion

In November 2023, GA cost was $0.66 billion. This is a 11% decrease from October 2023 GA ($0.75 billion) and a 28% increase comparing November 2023 with September 2023 GA (it was $0.520billion).

If we compare November 2023 with November 2022, there was a 2% increase.

Energy@Work’s services include a “GAM coach”. We maintain the importance of a GAM Strategy for Class A and Class B in order to win the (GAM)e. Our collective savings have exceeded $10 million, and we look forward to continuing to assist.

Monthly Feature: Energy@Work’s 2023 Highlights

2023 was an exciting year! We want to look back on some of this year’s highlights and build on the momentum for 2024:

  1. Presenting at the RETScreen World Conference

    • Energy@Work shared E-MAP case studies on the success of 28 commercial offices in saving 16,000,000 kWh, largely through operational initiatives. We shared what we learned and the powerful tools we used, like RETScreen, throughout the process
      * Two new webinars are planned in January and February, details to follow

  2. Completed the 5th annual Holiday Challenge

    • Another successful challenge concluded in January 2023. 231,752 kWh reduction was achieved, equivalent to the annual use of 27 Ontario homes! The 6th annual challenge is now underway with results to come in January 2024.

  3. 2 Presentations at the Industrial Energy Technology Conference in Houston, TX

    • Scott Rouse shared Energy@Work’s experiences:
      i) Operationalizing ESG: GHG reduction strategies with the economic advantages in developing a proactive approach.
      ii) Treasure Hunt that discovered $170,000 in potential savings

  4. Amir Kamandlooie was named Energy Manager of the Year by AEEGTA

    • Amir's relentless dedication and innovative ideas are precisely what made him a deserving recipient of this award. Not only was Amir awarded Energy Manager of the year but our nominations for AEEGTA's Wrench of the Year were also recognized Judy Arsenault and Paul Hang!

  5. Over $500,000 was recovered for clients from utility billing errors

    • Yet another value of monitoring and measuring consumption is the potential to discover and correct billing errors. A special ‘shout out’ to Reza Shadrokh's efforts in 2023 to identifying these errors.

  6. Over $10,000,000 in monetary benefits through 28 Ongoing Energy Management Action Plans (E-MAP)

    • 28 E-MAPs resulted in a collective savings of over $10,000.000 in monetary benefits. Our clients’ incredible results were in large part due to their commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency!
      Even with the best systems and products in place, success comes down to.
      "People" who make the projects work!

  7. Energy@Work is approved as authorized Commissioning Providers by the IESO

    • With our Commissioning Provider qualifications, we are authorized to complete the Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx) program. Incentives for EBCx are available under Save on Energy as part of the 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework!

  8. 17 BOMA BEST Certifications achieved

    • Helping our clients reach their targeted certifications levels, this includes:
      i) BOMA BEST Platinum certification,
      ii) the Historic Distillery District in their unique, one-of-a-kind category. Based on a study by the Journal of Portfolio Management, buildings which are BOMA BEST certified have higher net effective rates, lower rent concessions, higher occupancy, tenant renewal and satisfaction rates and lower energy consumption. We look forward to many more certifications under the newly released BOMA BEST V4.0!

  9. Arranged and supported the annual BOMA Toronto GA Workshop:

    • The workshop outlines the intricacies of the GA and the importance in making the right decision:
      * on June 15th (Class A or B), as well as
      * the second decision on June 16th (a strategy for the year).
      Stay tuned to join us at the 2024 May workshop!

  10. Over 200 2023 EWRB submissions 

    • This brings us to over 800 submissions in response to O. Reg 506/18. 

    • Energy@Work went beyond compliance, to create customized property reports and benchmark with peers. The reports use the results reported to demonstrate how properties compare to determine what areas can be improved. 

  11. Scott Rouse is named Energy Manager of the Year by Energy Manager Canada

    • in acknowledgment of Energy@Work’s commitment to prioritizing efficiency strategies and the work we accomplish with our clients. Scott explores innovative approaches to help clients successfully navigate the ever-expanding terrain of efficiency, net-zero initiatives, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations.

  12. 14 ENERGY STAR Building Certifications completed

    • An ENERGY STAR building certification is an accreditation recognized globally. Awarded through the EPA, this recognition demonstrates that your building is amongst the top performers.

  13. Over 30 (3,500,000 SqFt) ASHRAE level 2 commercial and residential audits completed

    • Our audits do not sit on a shelf – they are used.
      Through a Level 2 ASHRAE audit, we paint a full picture of how a building is performing and find tangible and effective solutions, complete with targets for improvement. From there, we provide strategic advice on where to begin and opportunities to implement economic improvements. 

  14. GHG Reduction Strategy: Resulting in GHG Manager Award

    • Our client was able to achieve the GHG Manager Award using the GHG strategy developed with Energy@Work

  15. News and views

    • Another year's worth of news reported! Thank you for your feedback and comments!

    • We look forward to staying connected with you through our monthly updates!

On behalf of the Energy@Work team- thank you to all of our clients and partners! We look forward to reconnecting in 2024!

ESG commitment to diversity fun fact: The Energy@Work team speaks over 10 languages!

Congratulations to the Recipients at the 2023 BOMA Toronto 2023 CREST Awards!

The 2023 race2reduce Commercial Real Estate Trailblazers (CREST) Awards honored participants from the R2R program that have demonstrated a continual commitment to improving building performance and reducing emission.

We would like to extend our congratulations to Menkes property Management Services’ team at 4711 Yonge St for receiving the 2023 Collaboration Excellence BOMA BEST Award!

The Collaborative Excellence award recognizes the success of collaboration between landlords, tenants and vendors. Demonstrated engagement and collaboration between stakeholders leads to significant improvements in building performance. This also fosters new conversations to explore additional opportunities.

In working with the team at 4711 Yonge St, we can attest to their efforts which are truly worthy of this recognition!

Congratulations to all the 2023 R2R CREST Award recipients on their achievements and to BOMA Toronto for another excellent awards ceremony!

Condo Owners and Renters: Understanding Electricity Unit Sub-Meter Providers (USMP)

Unit sub-meter providers (USMPs) deliver electricity metering and billing services to occupants of multi-unit buildings.

Master consumers (Owners, property managers or condominium corporations) contract a USMP to provide electricity metering and billing services to the residents in their building. Once the USMP is chosen, customers (unit residents) are individually billed and pay fees and service charges based on the agreement made between the master consumer and the USMP.

What the customer must know:

  • The decision to switch between electricity plans (Time-of-Use, Ultra-Low Overnight and Tiered prices) can only be made for the building as a whole by the master consumer, but effects the rates paid by the occupants.

  • The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) regulates USMP services relating to electricity, however the board does not regulate USMP fees, such as account set up, or other services, such as natural gas or water, or providing audits and energy recommendations.

  • The OEB enforces rules and laws, including the Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (ECPA). To take enforcement action when a USMP is found to have broken the rules as set out in the ECPA, the USMP’s license or the USM Code.

For more information about OEB polices and further details visit:

RETScreen’s Newly Released Software, V9.1, Introduces Substantial Enhancements

RETScreen’s Clean Energy Management Software Platform, Version 9.1, launched on November 1, 2023. It introduces substantial enhancements to RETScreen Expert across various modules:
Portfolio Analysis Module

The Portfolio Analysis Module introduces a significant update known as the Net Zero Plan. This feature guides users through a ten-step Portfolio Decarbonization Framework. The purpose is to facilitate a portfolio-wide analysis, evaluating the feasibility and costs linked to achieving a carbon-neutral real Portfolio Analysis Module.  

As well as:

  1. Benchmark & Feasibility Analysis Modules

    Virtual Energy Analyzer (VEA):

    • 14 new AI-driven deep emission reduction archetypes, bringing the total to 45.

    • 2 new archetypes tailored for auto parts plants, offering 30-40% cost-effective reduction in electricity and fuel consumption, and a deep retrofit archetype achieving 80-90% GHG emission reduction.

    • Advanced settings include optional peak load heating system, carbon shadow pricing, and offsite renewable electricity procurement.

  2. Expansion to Electricity and Fuel Rate Databases

    • User-defined meter database for ISO 50001 implementation, sub-metering, and real-time monitoring.

  3. Expansions to Energy Model Worksheet

    • Users can benefit from an electricity rate calculator based on both monthly and time-of-use rates.

    • Water equipment data is now accessible through a drop-down list in the User-defined model.

    • Comparison feature for Cooling Energy Demand Intensity (CEDI).

  4. Emission Worksheet

    • Carbon shadow price and carbon offsets features.

For more information visit:

Stay tuned for several exciting workshops coming up in 2024! These will be using RETScreen 9.1 to demonstrate the value in understanding data, i.e.:
Data is the new oil – once it is refined!

6th Annual Holiday Challenge!

Energy@Work’s 6th annual holiday challenge is coming up! This challenge presents the opportunity to discover how much electricity can be conserved over the holiday period. Operations and tenants can work together and save electricity since offices typically have a much lower occupancy over the holidays which presents the opportunity to cut waste- particularly phantom power.

If you have not participated, you are very welcome to join in:
There is no cost or expectation. Individual results are not disclosed since the purpose of the challenge is to have fun by raising awareness of, and mitigate, electricity waste over the holidays. This fun video is free and can be shared with tenants and occupants!

Common areas of opportunity include:

  • plug load or what is commonly called “Phantom Power”
    - this is a huge opportunity!

  • systems continuing to run when not needed,

  • lights, particularly accent and interior lobby lighting,

  • TV screens and monitors have off switches which are rarely used in lieu of standby mode,

  • exercise equipment “in the ready mode’ but sitting idle.

This year’s challenge will occur between:
1) 6:00 PM Friday, December 22nd, 2023
2) 6:00 AM Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.
Feel free to join us and share this quick video to find out what all the fun is about.

Questions can be directed to:

October’s Global Adjustment Mechanism (GAM)e Cost: $0.75 Billion

In October 2023, GA cost was $0.746 billion. This is a 44% decrease from September2023 GA of $0.519 billion.

If we compare October 2023 with October 2022, there was a 44% increase (October '22 was $0.513 billion).
With these drastic monthly swings in cost, Energy@Work continues to ask “why?”.

We provide a monthly review of GAM costs, however, the reason for the cost as well as the vast cost fluctuation remains a mystery.

Energy@Work’s services include a “GAM coach”. We maintain the importance of a GAM Strategy for Class A and Class B in order to win the (GAM)e. Our collective savings have exceeded $10 million, and we look forward to continuing to assist.

Monthly Feature: City of Toronto (CoT) Recommendation for Building Emissions Performance Reporting

CoT's Conceptual overview timeline for major Strategy actions

City of Toronto (CoT) Recommendation for Building Emissions Performance Reporting  

CoT Proposes that Municipal Code Chapter 367 will:
i)            require buildings greater than 10,000 sqft to report energy and water consumption annually
ii)           publicly disclose the data
iii)          potential fines

Energy@Work can assist, as certified verifying professionals.

“Municipal 367-3.A.(3)  If the property contains a building totaling a gross floor area equal to or exceeding 9,290 m2, an attestation by a certified professional verifying the descriptive information and performance information as follows:

(i) for the first year in which the report information is required to be submitted for the property; and then,
(ii) every subsequent fifth year after the first year in which the report information was required to be submitted for the property.”

Proposed implementation is July, 2024.

This item was considered by Infrastructure and Environment Committee on November 29, 2023 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on December 13, 2023 for 2024 implementation.

It is too early to predict the details, but it is very clear that the CoT is serious about the Net Zero target by 2040 and is taking steps to help meet the target.

Our Recommendation:

  • Get your house in order. Take advantage of this legislations. 

  • Understanding consumption, leads to identification of opportunities and the actions needed to save money, the environment and increase asset value!

  • Prepare to report your electricity, natural gas, and water accurately to be in position to understand the results so you know what your best next steps are. The results can provide insights for potential areas of improvement.

For assistance and to learn more contact Energy@Work at

We have been in the energy business for over 20 years, reporting to the EWRB since the province introduced it and have over 800 submissions.

Together, we can appreciate the value, take action and realize the benefits from reporting!