Join the 2021 BOMA Toronto Beyond Earth Hour Challenge

BOMA Toronto Beyond Earth Hour Challenge Period: Friday, March 26th at 6:00PM - Monday, March 29th at 6:00AM

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Expanding on the success of this BOMA Toronto initiative and last year's success, BOMA Toronto in collaboration with program advisor, Energy@Work Inc. and QMC Integrated Submetering Solutions, are pleased to open up this year’s 2021 Beyond Earth Hour Challenge. The 8th annual challenge focuses on targeting building performance and aims to encourage collective conservation efforts of landlords and tenants over the Earth Hour Weekend.

In the spirit of Earth Hour and energy conservation, participants will be able to compete for award recognition as the Top Reducer in the Building category with onus on landlords to find operational changes and collaborate with tenants to discover behavioural changes that affect energy use over the entire weekend as opposed to just the one hour.

Through collaborative efforts, our hope is that landlords will continue to partner with tenants to collectively realize energy-saving strategies that in turn drive down operational costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Due to low occupancy, the tenant challenge for 2021 is being deferred until 2022. Register Now for the building challenge

A FREE 2021 Beyond Earth Hour Challenge Introductory Webinar will be held on Tuesday, February 23rd at 9:00AM: Click Here to Register

To learn more about this year's challenge and official rules, visit the BOMA Beyond Earth Hour Challenge Resource Page

Take a look at our video for tips on reducing your energy use during the Earth Hour Challenge weekend!

Questions can be directed to Program Director, Lisa Liang