Commercial real estate industry trailblazers (CREST) were honoured for energy-saving achievements last night, marking another year of progress in Toronto’s race2reduce. Front runners emerged from 650 buildings now pursuing the target to collectively reduce energy consumption by 10 per cent compared to 2017, and were recognized for leadership, innovation and collaboration in devising and delivering on conservation initiatives.
Energy@Work is privileged to work with companies that hold themselves to a high standard and strive for excellence. We would like to send a special thanks to:
Landlord-tenant team from:
390 Bay Street, managed by Crown Property Management! for Innovative Excellence.
And Energy Management Leadership:
180 Bloor Street West, Greenrock Commercial Services
2 Berkeley Street, Berkeley Castle Management
90 Sheppard Avenue East, Crown Property Management Inc.
901 King Street West, Crown Property Management Inc.
20 Carlson Court, Crown Property Management Inc.