COVID Pivot: Energy@Work has realized and quantified energy savings during the pandemic!


The COVID-19 Pandemic has thrown some curveballs to most businesses over the past year and Energy@Work is no exception. We had no doubt that the energy efficiency measures were successfully lowering energy use in commercial buildings but the difficulty was in quantifying the savings.

Berkeley Castle is the first property to have savings verified by Toronto Hydro for the pandemic. In 2017, Berkeley enrolled into a pay-for-performance incentive program (OPSaver) which focused on low and no-cost operational improvements. The program required an Energy Management Action Plan (E-MAP) and Measurement and Verification (M&V) plan compliant with IPMVP guidelines. Verified electricity efficiency reductions are rewarded with an annual incentive of $0.025 /kWh. Annual electricity savings from 2017 to December 2020 were verified and Berkeley Castle received the requested incentive. Energy@Work successfully submitted Berkeley Castle’s results in March, 2021.


Click here to visit EVO’s site and read more about EVOs approaches and methods and our application of the process!