Greening Government Strategy (GGS)

In early June, there were updates to the Federal Government's green operations strategy:

“Starting in 2025, all lease transactions will request and prioritize net-zero-emissions space”
“Where net-zero buildings are not available, leased buildings must implement an industry-recognized path to net-zero emissions within 15 years, and enhanced climate resilience as required, included in the applicable leasing transaction.”

Find out more from: Canadian Property Management       

This is similar to the Australian approach:
"The National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) was used to measure the ongoing level of energy efficiency of government office buildings.”- Government buildings - DCCEEW

This approach avoids regulations and instead defines what is required.

“As of November 2023, The EEGO policy has been superseded by the APS Net Zero in Government Operations strategy.”- Government buildings - DCCEEW 

In both cases, Energy Efficiency is recognized as the first and logical step.

Energy@Work’s Energy Management Action Plan (E-MAP) has proven to be a reliable roadmap for many. By optimizing building performance without compromising safety, comfort, or equipment reliability, E-MAP is helping to achieve a 30% economic potential!