Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) and Global Adjustment (GA) Explained


What is the GA Decision? How will it effect your building?

On June 15th of each year, Ontario electricity customers with average monthly demand over 1,000 kW must choose their specific GA rate structure, i.e.,

Option 1: to be billed as Class A, based on the buildings Peak Demand Factor (pdf) 

Option 2: to be billed as Class B, based on fixed monthly $/kWh rate


The decision is not automatic and should be thought out carefully. It is essential to notify your LDC of your decision on June 15th. 

The best option depends on:
i) historical consumption and demand profiles, as well as
ii) predicted electricity use.
The right choice can be the difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

Once the decision is made, a proactive strategy can achieve even greater savings as well as potential future savings!