Monitoring and Understanding Your Data: The Key to Meeting Aggressive GHG Limits

Following in the footstep of New York City’s by-law 97, the City of Vancouver is leading the charge in GHG reduction. A new by-law will set a fine of $300 per tonne of GHG emissions for buildings exceeding 25 kgCO2/m²/year (2.3 kgCO2/ft²/year), effective 2026. This initiative aims to push buildings towards greater energy efficiency and lower carbon footprints.

Toronto is following a similar path. Mandatory reporting of Energy and Water was introduced in 2024 and discussions are underway on performance standards.
City of Toronto: Emissions Performance Standards

Interestingly, buildings we support through our Energy Management Action Plan (E-MAP) service achieve an average emission of just 1.8 kgCO2/ft²/year. This achievement is a testament to our commitment to helping clients optimize their systems and make significant improvements with energy efficiency.

Explore the details of Vancouver’s GHG intensity limits here: 
City of Vancouver GHG Limits