On July 3rd Energy@Work will team with BOMA Toronto for Workshop #3 of 3, “Path Forward to Robust and Resilient Building Operations”, 8:30-11:30AM

The workshop series is broken into 3 sessions:
Our 1st workshop: “Optimizing Building under COVID-19 Conditions", occurred on June 12th and illustrated the behavior of 131 Commercial Offices’ electricity use.
Our 2nd workshop: “Building Blocks for Performance and Safety” on June 19th dug deeper into understanding the “WHY”, and the importance of operations having a plan to explain the “WHY”.

Our 3rd and final workshop on July 3rd, is a logical conclusion to provide the “What” and the “How”.

We know each building is different and will be reopening with very different occupancy and requirements.  Dynamic responses will be required to assure occupants that they can return to work safely. This translates into understanding what their office building is doing to protect them.  Returning to work comfortably results from understanding the issues and the safety measures that have been put in place.

For operations, this will mean assembling the ‘jigsaw puzzle’ but without a complete picture or even all the pieces.  Can we achieve this level of comfort to welcome people back?  Yes – but we will need to unite the People, Process and Products.

On July 3rd, we will summarize our ‘Collective Wisdom’ to suggest a “new NORM”.  Working together, we will share the tools that are available and the evolving knowledge we have gained while working closely with industry experts. This includes Existing Building Commissioning (EB Cx) and access to tools, such as those from NRCan. EB Cx focuses on Safety (#1), Tenant Comfort, Equipment Reliability, System Configurations as well as energy efficiency.

The 3rd and final workshop will conclude with our “We and not Me” operation strategy.
There is still time to register and join in!

Friday, July 3rd (8:30 AM to 11:30 AM)

Click Here to register

For more information, email: requests@energy-efficiency.com

2020-06-10 BOMA COVID Workshop poster.png