The 2015 Canadian GRESB Results are in and the 11 Canadian organizations that submitted the survey fared quite well. Oxford and Bentall Kennedy continue to show leadership, placing 1st in their respective categories and the list of first time GRESB submissions continues to grow (This year Triovest reported for the first time). Still, several more organizations have submitted through the grace period (the survey is submitted but the results are not public) and plan to submit survey responses in 2016.
Raising Awareness and Keeping it Afloat, Tenant Engagement is Not a One-time Fix
Stop the Phantom!
Natural gas rates continue to rise
On the verge of a new era, where electricity flows free
Chiller upgrades power big savings
“... GWL Realty Advisors meets its goals by working with qualified energy management consultants such as Energy@Work Inc.”
This entry was posted on June 11, 2014 by Katie Ashbourne. Katie is our Communications Manager and manages all of Energy@Work's key communications, marketing and media content.
Canada Life Weather Beacon Becomes More Efficient
Canada Life Campus' Weather Beacon located at 330 University Avenue recently converted its light to Light Emitting Diodes (LED) lights and was recently featured as a case study on the news wire website.
Variable Frequency Drive Guide
This guide was prepared by Energy @ Work with technical editing and variable frequency drive expertise provided by Dan Dederer of Enertech.
Lighting Reference Guide - Hydro One
This guide was prepared by Energy @ Work for the CEA Technologies Inc. (CEATI).