Global Adjustment Mechanism Deadline Approaching

The annual June 15th Global Adjustment Mechanism (GAM)e decision #1 is coming up quickly.  

Properties over the average demand of 1,000 kW average monthly demand can opt to be Class A or B. Manufacturing and industry over 500 kW can also choose between the two classes.

The ClimateWise Business Network, in partnership with Energy@Work is hosting a workshop on Global Adjustment (GA) to address the charge on your electricity bill. The Webinar takes place on April 5, 2018, from 15:00 to 16:00. It will cover:

  • Overview of Global adjustment
  • What are the compoments and costs
  • What are the processes involved
  • What should be the Class A / Class B strategy?
  • Case studies to demonstrate costs and benefits

You can register on-line for the workshop here ->

Feel free to give us a call at 416.642.0571 or drop an email to
